Good day,
Whale Dolfin Killing Shark Fin Cutting in Japan by the Japanese Dolphins captured during the brutal drive hunts in Japan are being flown out to marine parks around the world by commercial airlines.
Which countries are still whaling?
Despite the 1986 IWC ban on commercial whaling, some countries refuse to end their whaling operations.
Japan Whale killing in Japan
Almost immediately after the 1986 whaling ban came into effect, Japan launched its scientific whaling programme, widely recognised as a cover for its ongoing commercial whaling operation.
Meat from these whales — supposedly killed for science — is then sold in food markets or given away free or at low costs to schools and hospitals in marketing drives to encourage the consumption of whale meat .
The Japanese whaling fleet departs twice a year. In the North Pacific, Japanese whalers can kill up to 200 minke whales, 50 Bryde's, 100 sei whales and 10 sperm whales under the guise of scientific research. Vessels had been killing up to 935 minke whales and 50 fin whales each year in the Southern Ocean Sanctuary before the International Court of Justice ruled that this was illegal.
Norway only respected the IWC's whaling ban until 1993. Using a loophole in the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, Norway objected to the whaling moratorium, and resumed hunting for minke whales.
Norway sets its own quota for the number of whales its whalers are permitted to kill for commercial reasons. This number has gone up and up, from being allowed to kill 671 minke whales in 2002 to more than 1,000 today. However, in recent years, less than half of this self-allocated catch limit has been taken.
Norway is now hunting a higher proportion of breeding females which could put the long-term survival of minke whales in the North Atlantic in severe danger.
Like Japan, Iceland initially conducted a 'scientific' whaling programme. Then, in 1992, it withdrew from the IWC. When Iceland re-joined in 2004, it included a clause in its re-entry that spoke out in objection to the whaling moratorium.
In 2006, Iceland resumed commercial whaling, targeting minke and fin whales. In 2010 alone, Icelandic whalers killed 148 endangered fin whales and 60 minke whales.
IFAW's "Meet Us Don't Eat Us!" campaign is currently trying to educate tourists about whales, hunting, and whale meat.
Why does only a few people in the world are concerned about the slaughtering of whales, dolfins, sharks, elehants, tigers, lions, leopards, the list is almost endless let alone to talk about the damage to the rain forests our sypply of oxygen and the endless polution by chemical factories, vehicles buring fossil fuels 24/7.
img Now everybody is all of a sudden very concerned about global warming, I am a amateur concerning global warming and do think that there is not much we can do to stop the process other that possibly slowing it by introducing some measures that everybody should apply, less polution meaning building less cars. Most of us in the metropolitan areas of the world can surely get by with some or other form of public transport.
I could not believe my eyes when I saw on the TV how a Japanese trawler could catch a shark cut it fins off and dump the body into the ocean.
I am quite sure that that is the worst cruelty to an animal imagineable and these japs apparently do it on a commercial scale for shark fin soup and nobody in the world does anything to stop such cruelty. Are the Japanese livelyhood depending on whale, dolfin meat and shark fin soup? img
I really can not see that an intellegent nation as the Japanese just can't see that they are busy to not only hurting animals but that nobody on the planet does actually depend on this form of proteins.
Personally do I believe that there is enough domesticated animals to sypply us with our daily needs.
Commercial Whale Killing in Japan by the Japanese and the rest of the World
If we carry on like this then one day these species would just simply vanish and that we as intellegent human being should not aloud it since some of our animal and bird species has already become extinct.
Now apparently the Japanese excuse is they kill whales for research, What the hell do anybody want to do any research on a dead whale that can not be done on a living whale, dolfin, sharks and any other fish specy for that matter. Is it not bad enough that we use animals like baboons and rats for medical experiments.
African Asian Elephant population is propbably 10% from what it was and has become extinct in some places
In Africa elephants are killed for two purposes their meat and tusks and trofies.
Here in South Africa elephants are found in game reserves like the Kruger Nationak Park with some sixteen thousand elephants. In Botswana with still thousands and Zimbabwe with hundreds left.
Rhinos are on the danger list for their horns, now why do people think that a rhino horn has any value it is then
a group of hardened hair. Buffalos seem to be under pressure as well for there meat and skins.
I personally think that we as humans must start to take nature a whole lot more serious and anybody that read this blog who want to join me in the fight for animal rights are welcome to send me an email let us start a world wide internet campaign to stop slaughtering of our wild life otherwise what will be left one day for or children to enjoy and conserve
American Actress Julia Fiona Roberts
Website copy writing is an art
Robin Mclaurin Williams Died Age 63
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