Thursday, 12 February 2015

Google Search Engine can make you rich

How to manipulate the Google Search Engine to Favor your website above the rest can make you a rich man

The Google Searh Engine receive the largest portion of all searches conducted world wide and you don't have to wait years to be indexed, can be done in a few minutes.

By having a Gmail email address you are being issued a Google Profile Page or most probably you can apply for one.

My Google Profile Page are being spidered during the day and any new posting is being immediately indexed into the main Google Search Engine index.

Here is some tips to optimize a website for top performance

First is to register a domain with lots of keywords in the domain name, should you have an existing domain is to load the subdomain page name with keywords.

Then the title tag of a website carry the most weight by the looks of things and should contain all your main keywords following by the description tag must be loaded with the main keywords.

In other words you must feed the Google Search Engine plenty spider food which is keywords and related keywords.

Next thing is to use comment tags through out the website loaded with keywords, believe me the Google Search Engine pay attention to each and every word on a website, so give it enough spider food to make a more intellegent decision.

The H1 tag carry penty weight and are used fot titles and sub-titles being H2 etc.

Now you should try to spinckle your keywords through out the body content of the page and make them bold or underline or italics drawing the spiderbot attention.

Graphics use a alt tag to describe the picture load it at the same time with keywords, do carry some weight as well as having a title tag loaded with keywords inside a hyper link.

You can also add extra tags inside the header tags like 'meta name=words content=keywords'

I have been doing this to my blogs as well as to my domains and did not once had a bad remark from the Google Search Engine.

Now everybody is looking for that sweet no.1 in the Google Search Engine search results cause that could mean millions of hits capable of generating a substantial amount of revenue and that all basically for free.

Keeping that no.1 spot is not the easiest thing in the world cause the competition is always onto you looking for the same thing doing their best to get there is to build up back links as many as possible this the Google Search Engine place very high value on specially high page ranking website backlinks.

As the popularity of a search term increase so does the competiton making it almost impossible to even get to the first page of the Google Search Engine

So what is the next best thing one can do to have a fair slice of the traffic pie is to target related keywords with lots of searches and low on competition. Believe me there ar millions available just run a search and you will find plenty so can you also use

So how can one make money from all this free traffic is to sell a service or a product, now software sells very well and there is always a demand for new programs. Being a developer did I develop a number of programs you are free to sell containing no copy right making life easy for you including some nice website templates which should sell equally as well. Go to my software site and help yourself

Easy to set up a order page with a merchant account handling the payments with a download link being all on automatic or you can bave it all done for you by All you need to do is to setup an account with them and they take care of the rest having thousands of affiliates doing the selling on your behalf for a share obviously. You can aslso sell on auction sites like

For more Google Search Engine tips please vist

Google Webmasters Central Blog

Some FREE Tools to Check your Website Performance

Here is something I noticed with an Afrikaans website is it easy to get a front page and even a no.1 spot in Google Search Engine purely to the fact that the competition is quite low as little as sometimes 50 or so websites competing for the same search term.

Personally do I think that the English language is so widely spoken and the competition so fierce that in todays world of finding a place amongst the top listed sites are almost impossible, however it still remains worth a try.

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Herman Dreyer - South Africa


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Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Best Marketing Ideas I Have Seen in a Long Time

best marketing ideas i have seen in a long time

Best Marketing Ideas I have Seen in a Long Time

Working the Social Media Sites for Business

Top 100+ Content Marketing Tools

Resource: Top 100+ Content Marketing Tools

Here are some cool tools that will make your life as a blogger a LOT easier.

Social Media

Pinterest: Learn some great stuff about 'infomercials or infographics' some people are making a killing when it come to getting taffic through 'Pinterest'

My Pinterest Site

Top 10 social bookmark sites based on traffic pagerank and alexa rank

Twitter Tools

Bringing the twitter conversation to any web page

Tips To Retweet

25 Inspirational Quotes to Retweet (Include a retweet link next to each one.)
27 Blogging Tips to Retweet
15 Delicious Receipes to Retweet -

Two other great Twitter Tribes you can join are and

Additional Resources:

17 Twitter Marketing Tips from the Pros
The Ultimate Twitter Guide
List Building with Social Media
How I Got 50,000+ Twitter Followers
16 Ways to Get People to Read and Retweet Your Content

Search Twitter is quite Popular

Google Plus Tools

This I must say that of all my marketing efforts is my Google Plus Site doing the best by a large margin.

Google Plus Communities

Google plus Communities

The Ultimate Google+ Marketing Guide
Google+ Communities: What Marketers Need to Know
How to Market Your Content on Google Plus
3 Ways to Boost Your Traffic with Google Plus

Google Plus Posting Guide

How about having a Google Plus Account and get 500 million page views, such a guy is 'Guy KawasaKi's page.

Google Plus a great tool for driving hundreds of visitors to your latest blog post. Regardless of how many followers you have.

Facebook Tools

You want to learn all things Facebook?

Amy Potterfield

Tip: Choosing exactly which Fan pages you want to target. So you simply choose 3-5 highly related fan pages that your post will be promoted to.

Facebook is quickly becoming one of the best places to build and grow your business.

Pinterest Tools

Similar to Pinterest for men:

Forum Marketing

There are currently millions of conversations taking place around the web about parenting, photography, fitness, pet care, personal finance, traveling, and every other topic under the sun.

Forums are hot spots of conversation where like-minded people get together to talk about their shared passions.

Create some good content, post it on a popular forum in your market and you can start generating traffic within 5 minutes of posting.

Warrior Forum One of the Best

Blog Marketing

Experts Share Their Blog Promotion Tips

And the cool thing is they’re always looking for new blogs to publish. Simply find a relevant category and submit your blog at:

The Ultimate Guide to Blogger Outreach

How to Get the Attention of Online Influencers

Ultimate List of 100+ Blog Post Ideas

Hubspot Title Generator Enter 3 blog topics and get 5 instant (highly engaging) headlines

Evernote: You can also write your blog posts inside Evernote or Google Drive. One of the cool things about Evernote is that you can record audio and turn it into text. Completely free!

Free Blog Post Images: Where to Find Them, How to Use Them

Ping Tool: Notify the Social Media on each update of your blog by using a 'Ping Tool' Pingoat

Another great marketing tool and it is FREE SlideShare

Article Marketing Still a great favorite among many marketers and can bring in many website visitors. Ezine Articles

The Free Site!

PDF: Download the Top 100+ Content Marketing Tools

Other Useful Tools

Camtasia Studio My favorite tool for creating screencast videos online.

Canva Free online tool for creating exceptional graphics with zero design skills. Canva has built-in templates for creating social media posts, Facebook covers, blog graphics, kindle covers, Pinterest photos, Twitter headers, Facebook ads and more.

Images are now a central part of almost every social media platform, including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, and Instagram. As a content marketer, creating great graphics to complement your content is key to making sure it does well on social media.

PicMonkey: Another online photo editing tool that makes it easy for you to create cool images for your blog posts.

COOL: Some Great Useful Sites

70 of the Nost Useful Sites on the Internet

Best Online Collaboration Tools

10 Keyword Research Tools

Ubersuggest for long tail keywords

40 Free Resources For Designers

WEBMASTERS: Get some Free Google Tips

Herman Dreyer - South Africa


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